Introduction to Yoga Philosophy
Through the Yoga Sutras
January 24th, 31st & February 7th
I’ve been practicing yoga for a while but still feel like there is something missing in my practice
I want to learn more about the aspects of Yoga history, philosophy, mindfulness, and meditation
I know a little bit about Yoga philosophy but I want to dedicate some time to myself to go deeper
I want to commit to my personal growth and learn tools to find more peace and connection with myself and others around me
I want to connect with my inner wisdom.
The Yoga Philosophy, as laid out in the Yoga Sutras, is powerful and applicable to modern-day living.
Register now to gain access to the on-demand videos and Zoom links. All live sessions will be recorded and available for viewing after the session.
Two-month payment plan
7 hours of on-demand videos
9 hours of LIVE Zoom sessions for discussion and integration of the knowledge
Downloadable translation of the Yoga Sutras, translated by 4 different Sanskrit scholars
Full lifetime access
Certificate of completion & CEUs for Yoga Alliance
Credit towards your 300hr. Yoga teacher training with us! (if you are enroled)
The 8-limbs of Yoga. Spoiler alert, only one of the limbs is the physical practice of Asana.
What non-attachment really is and how it can help you to enjoy your life more fully!
The true meaning of Karma... it isn't what you think it is.
How to stop unhealthy thought patterns in their tracks as taught by the ancient yoga philosophy and proven by neuroscience.
What the ego is and how it blocks us from feeling true joy and contentment.
The cause of suffering according to Yoga and how to remove it!
The ethical principles of Yoga that, when practiced, allow us to find more peace within ourselves and in our relationships.
If you are already a 200hr. certified teacher and you want to continue your education this 16 hour course can count towards your 300hr. certification.
“"Christina is the true meaning of a beautiful soul! Not only does she teach what Yoga really is; she lives, breathes & demonstrates on a daily basis how to live a yogic life. I have had the pleasure in being trained one on one with Christina, almost 500 hr. in fact. She has taught me so much, inspired me to keep on my path, and has shown me what yoga really is. I am forever grateful. If anyone is thinking about (learning about) yoga, Christina Raskin and Soul Thrive Yoga is the best in the industry."”